Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Does Your Marketing Campaign Include A Keyword Selection Tool?

Does Your Marketing Campaign Include A Keyword Selection Tool?
by Brian G. Chadra

Choosing the right keywords or key phrases is one of the essential steps in the whole search engine optimization process. The keywords are very important on how search engines rank websites. Selecting the right keywords will help internet users be directed to one’s website, thus generating site traffic and improving the page rank of one’s website. The most popular free keyword search engine tool is from the Google AdWords application. It informs one on the various keywords that one can use while working on one’s website optimization. Aside from the keyword selection tool of Google Adwords, a keyword professional research tool or software is also recommended by search engine optimization gurus and consultants to give more information and analysis on one’s target market or niche. However, if one is to consider doing one’s own keyword professional research, some of the important factors to consider in choosing a keyword are its popularity and specificity, both of which are easier done with a keyword generator tool

Did you know that a keyword selection tool can locate untapped niche markets? Too often, marketers only focus on major words or phrases that are saturated. When concentrating efforts on one additional term, some major avenues may be opened that were previously unconsidered. These typically contain low to moderate search volume with very little competition.

What are some characteristics that should be contained in a keyword selection tool? When seeking out this type of application, a user should consider where the data being analyzed originates, the volume or searches present and how often updates are available. Too often, outdated programs are being sold that don’t perform up to expectation. This is a self-defeating proposition and a waste of good money.

Tools that return long tail and related keywords based on a seed keyword – Some of these are paid while some are free. Free ones include Google Keyword tool or Yahoo Overture Keyword tool. An example of a paid tool is These are great as they can save you time so that you don’t have to manually think about all plural versions or past present and future tenses of verbs and other variations that are common with the keyword phrase in question. These should return to you the majority of closely related keywords that actually are getting traffic so you don’t waste time building campaigns around keywords that no one is searching for. Everyone should be using these regardless of what other paid services he/she may be using.

When is a keyword selection tool warranted as part of a market research campaign? This is a difficult question to answer as experts vary in their approach. The most reasonable answer is when it can be afforded without being a burden. That is, when a small profit has been seen with free methods, an upgrade is most likely called for in order to further bolster the campaign.

What are some characteristics that should be contained in a keyword selection tool? When seeking out this type of application, a user should consider where the data being analyzed originates, the volume or searches present and how often updates are available. Too often, outdated programs are being sold that don’t perform up to expectation. This is a self-defeating proposition and a waste of good money.

By finding a good keyword selection tool, profitability is increased while research time is reduced. This should be the goal of ever researcher on the internet. This is not to minimize good research on a topic of interest, but finding a profitable niche shouldn’t take an excessive amount of time. Being able to focus on building the actual campaign is a burden lifted for most internet savvy folks.

Keyword selection is one of the first steps in implementing a search engine optimization strategy. It goes without saying that if you select and optimize for the wrong keywords, your overall optimization campaign is worthless. In this article we will cover the keyword selection process, tools available to assist you in selecting the right keywords, and how best to place keywords throughout your sit

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